Kids! They’re lovely!

They really are. I found out they’re smart too. A while ago I was there at my home thinking of stuff I need to study, revise, prepare.. I sat on the sofa and relaxed my head back on a pillow and closed my eyes thinking what to do next. I actually felt no good push to get me up the sofa and start working. It’s then when I heard my neighbor’s children’s voices on the stairs. They were visiting us. They’re actually my relatives. They’re my cousin’s kids. Two little cute creatures called Adham who’s a boy of 3 years old and Fareda who’s a cute girl of 6 years old. I immediately had some good energy and wanted to hug them until I merge their tiny bodies into me. Their mum who’s become one of my good friends sat with my mum for some chatting while I preferred as usual to spend the time with the kids. we sat crossed-legs on the carpet and they started telling me their adventures and friendships at school. I, as usual, fake those expressions like “Oh! really that’s awesome” and ” No.. You must have felt very happy then” and laughing in a really silly fake way at their not-so-funny jokes. But, God!, kids are not easy. Kids are smart and can tell when you’re faking it and when you’re completely down to earth and are really a child-like with them. Okay, we spend some good time together. We play physical games like hide and seek and others, and we play paper games, we draw and paint and we stain our palms with watercolors and go crazy but still, I don’t feel like I’m my total childish me while I’m with them, and they can tell it. Even when I’m telling a story, I make these exaggerated voices like ” I had friennnnds and we then played with a biiiiiig baaaaall and we had a llllllot of funn ^_^ “. I myself find myself silly and exaggerated. Besides, I don’t know many kids stories. I guess I don’t know at all. I came to a satisfactory conclusion with so far solutions which are: I should read a lot of kids stories. I should learn how to REALLY go crazy and be childish with them. I should respect their minds and talk in a normal way like that when I talk to adults. I should also add some moral things to my stories because kids are affected with the people they’re dealing with. I should always give them confidence in an indirect way, that is to flatter them when they do something good and NOT to tell them they’re wrong when they don’t. While chatting with them on the carpet, we decided to play a game which goes like: You invert signs; that is, nods means no and shaking means yes. So when I ask Fareda is a girl? she shakes her head as an approval to my words. I asked Adham a question which he should have nodded or shaken but he did the opposite; that is, he did it wrong. What I regretted doing was that I told him, in that affectionate lovely voice I always talk to them with because I really feel affection to them, “You are wrong!” I wanted to tell him You should have done this not that, but I stopped once I saw the disapponted look in his young eyes. For a moment, his angelic, lavish, and innocent smile faded in frustration. I felt bad for a moment, and then I realized that, Gosh, kids are really not easy. They’re like a not fully grown egg of a chicken with only a membrane around. You should be very careful with it otherwise any violent move will scratch and damage it. I fixed it a while after when he did it right; to my surprise that a child his age would understand this confusing game, I saved no chance to flatter him for it. Kids are not how we think they are. They learn and catch the “between lines”, and they understand very well what’s happening. You should not just deal with them as if they are “kids” and “won’t understand”. And I guess, when you deal with them as you do with adults; that is, you listen to them when they talk and don’t interrupt, you respect their opinions even if they’re silly, you choose your words and use positive language with them, they will grow up to be confident men and women who feel respected and not shy to speak out. Well, Adham and Fareda have gone now and gave me a push to do some things: read kids stores, read about how to deal with kids, or write something which, here I am, already doing it. Thanks dear kittens ^_^